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USS - CIO-As-A-Service

Chief Information officer as a Service

 · 1 min read

How much guidance do you need from a Virtual Chief Information Officer ? Some businesses are further along in their digital transformation.

This could amount to a few hours a month and is standard with most fixed-fee agreements.

Other organizations may need a much deeper level of strategic engagement.

  1. Do you have demanding compliance requirements? (New Cybersecurity Compliance Frameworks are everywhere.)
  2. Do you require an IT roadmap to identify the gaps and chart the way forward?
  3. Are you growing?
  4. Opening new offices?
  5. Trying to clean up legacy infrastructure to be more attractive as an M&A target?
  6. Did you recently suffer a major data loss or ransomware attack?

These scenarios always demand more time and attention. And potential extra costs deserve close review in the discovery process. For a deeper dive into examples, see our CIO as A service page.

CIO as a Service engagements differ from one provider to the next. Some Managed Service Providers deploy commissioned salespeople and account managers who have lower-level technical skills and seniority.

Other Managed Service Providers dispatch senior-level executives. This team is non-commissioned and has a variety of technical experience. These factors have a direct bearing on what you should expect to pay.