Innovation | Support | Integration

Managed User Support

Service Desk

Any/All service requests must be logged via ServiceDesk to ensure tracking and escalation. All incident and service requests will be allocated a Ticket reference. All escalations will require a Ticket reference. Where Service requests are logged, but no response is received from requestor, a 3-strike rule will apply.

Remote & on-site Support

Support Team will endeavor to resolve all requests remotely, in the instances where issues or requests are unable to be resolved remotely, an on-site appointment will be scheduled. SLA customers will be charged for travel and tolls if Tech has to be dispatched to site.

Workstations & Mobile Devices

Support Team will support all laptops, desktops and portable devices no older than 10 years, and will in cases where manufacturers warranty is available assist in the warranty RMA process with the relevant suppliers. Support Team will support LTSC Microsoft operating systems as supported and defined by Microsoft. Unsupportable systems and devices will be highlighted to the client and will be excluded from the support scope. Client will be advised to upgrade to LTSC supported version - if possible.

MS Office / Office 365 Support

Support Team will provide support to users with their respective M365 or O365 subscriptions and applications within their relevant Microsoft application subscription. Support team will ensure customer’s Microsoft subscription meets a compliance and security standards as defined in the initial engagement session. Migrations to and from Office 365 are excluded. Costs for out of scope projects quoted at applicable rates.


Remote Support and Monitoring solutions will be deployed on managed devices (not MDM) to ensure that critical, security and essential patches from main vendors are applied automatically and with least disruption to business . Patches and Fixes will be applied to common and reoccurring issues to ensure that issues are resolved with least user impact. Monitoring and policy driven automation provides IT environments with maintenance and latest security patching.

Review & Consultation

Quarterly engagement session will be scheduled with client, to gauge and review any incidents or service requests as per the clients request at that time. Client will be advised of any possible technical improvements and service offerings that might be available to improve customer experience or services.

Incluse Support

Support Team will provide support for Printer driver and print authentication, Anti-virus deployment and centralized console management. Limited support may be provided, where client has shared documentation or provided training on proprietary software

Managed Server Support

Service Include:

Monitoring, maintenance and support for your Microsoft and Linux (Debian/BSD/RHEL) Server operating systems and Microsoft Roles/Features e.g. Active Directory, Terminal Server, File Shares and SQL. Managed Anti-Virus, patch management and 3rd party/proprietary software updates.

Hypervisor Hosts

Limited Hypervisors support is available for HyperV, VMware, RHV/Ovirt/OKD, Proxmox (QEMU &KVM). VMs & Containers billed in addition, per initial client engagement.

Remote & on-site Support

Support Team will endeavor to resolve all requests remotely, in the instances where issues or requests are unable to be resolved remotely, an on-site appointment will be scheduled. SLA customers will be charged for travel and tolls if Tech has to be dispatched to site.

Server Support

Support Team will support Servers no older than 10 years, and will in cases where manufacturers warranty is available assist in the warranty RMA process with the relevant suppliers. Support Team will support LTSC Operating Systems as supported and defined in initial engagement. Unsupportable systems and devices will be highlighted to the client and will be excluded from the support scope. Client will be advised to upgrade to LTSC supported version - if possible.

Service Desk

Any/All service requests must be logged via ServiceDesk to ensure tracking and escalation. All incident and service requests will be allocated a Ticket reference. All escalations will require a Ticket reference. Where Service requests are logged, but no response is received from requestor, a 3-strike rule will apply.


Remote Support and Monitoring solutions will be deployed on managed servers to ensure that critical, security and essential patches from main vendors are applied automatically and with least disruption to business . Patches and Fixes will be applied to common and reoccurring issues to ensure that issues are resolved with least user impact. Monitoring and policy driven automation provides IT environments with maintenance and latest security patching.

Review & Consultation

Quarterly engagement session will be scheduled with client, to gauge and review any incidents or service requests as per the clients request at that time. Client will be advised of any possible technical improvements and service offerings that might be available to improve customer experience or services.

Managed Network Support

Service Include:

Monitor Managed Edge Network switches, WiFi Access Points and L2 links. Configuration changes. Infrastructure changes in design, movement/deployment or major configuration changes will fall outside of the scope.


Equipment will be monitored via SNMP. Alerts can be configured to include client, upon request.

Service Desk

Any/All service requests must be logged via ServiceDesk to ensure tracking and escalation. All incident and service requests will be allocated a Ticket reference. All escalations will require a Ticket reference. Where Service requests are logged, but no response is received from requestor, a 3-strike rule will apply.

Remote & on-site Support

Support Team will endeavor to resolve all requests remotely, in the instances where issues or requests are unable to be resolved remotely, an on-site appointment will be scheduled. SLA customers will be charged for travel and tolls if Tech has to be dispatched to site.

Review & Consultation

Quarterly engagement session will be scheduled with client, to gauge and review any incidents or service requests as per the clients request at that time. Client will be advised of any possible technical improvements and service offerings that might be available to improve customer experience or services.

Core Switches:

Support for Core/Datacenter switches(L3) available at additional cost.

Managed Firewall Support

Service Include:

Supply and Support of perimeter security appliance. Ensure latest firmware and patches are applied. Basic configuration changes. Deployment of Firewall with basic setup: 2 WAN interfaces, 4 VLANs - LAN, VOICE, VIDEO, WiFi, 1 VPN Tunnel (IPsec/OpenVPN/WireGaurd), Application/Web control for 1 interface. Customers are advised and guided as to industry standards and changes in technology and will require customers to approve changes to ensure the best security practices and principles.


Equipment will be monitored via SNMP. Alerts can be configured to include client, upon request.

Service Desk

Any/All service requests must be logged via ServiceDesk to ensure tracking and escalation. All incident and service requests will be allocated a Ticket reference. All escalations will require a Ticket reference. Where Service requests are logged, but no response is received from requestor, a 3-strike rule will apply.

Remote & on-site Support

Support Team will endeavor to resolve all requests remotely, in the instances where issues or requests are unable to be resolved remotely, an on-site appointment will be scheduled. SLA customers will be charged for travel and tolls if Tech has to be dispatched to site.

Review & Consultation

Quarterly engagement session will be scheduled with client, to gauge and review any incidents or service requests as per the clients request at that time. Client will be advised of any possible technical improvements and service offerings that might be available to improve customer experience or services.

Vendor Support:

Unified Support Services can support Sonicwall, Fortigate, Netgear ProSAFE and Netgate pfSens. However No device included with this service.