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USS - Why it is Beneficial to have a CIO (Chief Information Officer)

A CIO, What does he/she do? How will he/she benefit my company? Is it really necessary?

 · 3 min read

A CIO, What does he/she do? How will he/she benefit my company? Is it really necessary?

In recent times it has become the norm for companies to function without the core insets and benefits of having an active Chief Information Officer. In all honesty, appointing a CIO is an expensive solution, especially not when adding an exceptionally great one, but in the end, it will have its benefits. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Digital Information Officer (CDIO) or IT Director (IT) is the top executive in any enterprise in charge of data innovation procedures, technology solutions, and computer systems. They are seen as the key supporters of defining goals as electronic data develops across various industries.
A CIO is the leader of the technology strategy for an organisation, working together with other senior executives. One of the many roles of the CIO is to provide an official-level interface between the different technology divisions. IT directors have the tendency to be centred on daily tasks, while CIOs are more focused and concerned about strategy and leadership. Some IT directors report to CIOs, particularly those working for expansive, multi-national organisations at a national or provincial level who sit beneath a worldwide peer.
What does a CIO do?
The CIO runs and transforms IT and is responsible for setting strategies and ensuring this correlates with the broader business strategy. As much as they would like to spend less time in the IT office, some CIOs still need to keep an eye on the data centre to ensure systems are up and running at all times. When something technical bombs out on a weekend, it would likely be the CIO who gets a call, regardless of someone else ultimately having the duty of settling the issue. In many digital businesses the IT strategy is the main element, this means the CIO should be able to understand broader business requirements. Another big role of the CIO is to build and maintain an effective and motivated team. When it comes to change, too many sellers think CIOs are focused on leading-edge technology, however the reality is that IT leaders keep an attentive eye on hyped technologies as well, and most of them are still concentrating on building the platform to empower digital advances.
An Advisor recently discovered that 33% of CIOs answer to the CEO, 22% to the CFO, 11% to the COO and 9% to a global CIO, with the rest in a bunch of complex reporting structures. Dotted lines are normal: CIOs will frequently report into a couple executives, contingent upon internal lines of correspondence and continuous initiatives. There is a typical misinformed belief that IT leaders ought to always answer to the CEO, while reporting to the CEO helps keep the role of technology front and centre, reporting to the CFO can likewise help guarantee IT budgets are clearly defined and comprehended – and in a few organisations, cost control remains irrefutably the top priority.
It should be noted that working for a major firm is no guarantee of a direct line to the CEO or other board members, in fact 17% of CIOs report directly to the CEO in larger firms, compared with nearly 45% of IT leaders at smaller organisations. IT leaders at smaller firms have more direct access to board individuals compared to peers at larger organisations.

What are the Advantages of Appointing a CIO?IT infrastructure and operations development
Guarantees extensive standardization and effectiveness in data management
Having executive-level direction on how the respective departments approach their IT needs can make work and communication more efficient
Small and mid-sized businesses can benefit from enormous savings through the insight a CIO offers
A CIO offers the expertise necessary to deliver the best results

Consulting with a CIO advisor isn’t an admission for disappointment or failure by the head of IT, however an affirmation that IT requires progression, advancement and to become more incorporated with the business.